Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Later in the dia (day) on Martes (Tue)

In response to a question about what Aaron’s learned…
I’ve learned Spanish, and how to build walls for the second story that we’re putting up. I’ve really enjoyed the trip. It’s been awesome and a great experience. (Janet adds in that he’s been very mature on the trip-Amanda you’d be very proud.) The women are very kind and they’re really good cooks. It’s really good food! And great tacos down the street.

From the mouth of Nora:
I’m looking forward to getting to know the kids better. I wish that time would slow down! There haven’t been any problems so far, and I want to keep having fun.

Janet is currently cupping a bead in her hands to see if it’s a glow-in-the-dark bead. “I’ve never been so completely available. Nothing is more important than each new moment. I’ve never been so present and received such joy from it.”

According to Jenn:
Today we had the kids play with bells and they played the song “Jesus Loves Me.” They were very into it and did a great job. The whole day they were asking what was next once they neared to completion of an activity. After the bells we also decorated angels and different pictures and filled bracelets with colored sand. It was a beautiful day and we were able to make the most of it as we set up our table outside.

I was able to help some of the women in the kitchen today and that was awesome! I cut up radishes, lettuce, onions, and limes as we prepared for a big lunch of pozole. It was 100% Mexican and delicious. The Savages had tears streaming as they discovered the hot sauce was really very picante, or spicy! 

The second story is coming along really well. It’s always been a dream of mine to go on a mission trip to Mexico and help build something, and here I am doing it. It’s a very thrilling and satisfying feeling. I’m learning a lot about construction and how many little details, not to mention vocabulary, go into it.

Stephanie thoughts:
The tacos that we had the very first night were really really good! The market that we went to was very different from a few years ago (when I was here last)…lots of stuff. I got two rings: identical rings for me and my friend…sterling silver. I’m having a lot of fun with construction!

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