Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hola Amigos!
I am sooo excited to go to Deborah's House and meet Ray and Adalia that I could just jump out of my skin! Not only is it going to be a wonderful experience for all of us, especially the youth that are going, but we are going to be able to reach out to men, women and children that need our help very much! We are going to minister, teach and give love to people for Jesus and that makes me sooo proud and happy!

By Adam Doheny


  1. Great Blog, Adam! We are all getting excited, for a lot of reasons. Tim

  2. I wasn't able to go to DH over 3 years ago when Emerald went down there but I'm looking forward to this trip, especially the bus ride that awaits us! Talk about some bonding!

  3. I can't beleave that we are leaving in one week. I am getting excited about this Mission trip. We are the hands and feet of Jesus! So lets all get ready for a great trip.

  4. I will be praying for you during your mission trip.mike

  5. today massage at church was excellent, it was about following God, not just going to church but doing Gods work that is just what you guy,s are doing. we are praying for you to really make a difference for all the people there and all of the people you meet along the way hope you are having fun we miss you all.
